rachel dicke

Rachel Dicke

Account Supervisor
Rachel grew up in the small town of Marshall, Missouri. Home of the State Wonder Dog. Yes, famous for a dang smart dog! (He could understand foreign languages, Morse code, and all sorts of other feats.) She graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in journalism and business. Today, she has four kids, one not-quite-Wonder-Dog-smart dog, one husband, and never enough hours in the day.

“Don’t let this hold you back.” Two months later: “Maybe you’re doing too much.”

Before coming to LimeLight, Rachel spent 11 years working in account services at several agencies. She worked in bootstrapped agencies, mid-size, and large, working in a variety of industries. Her passion has always been in formulating strategies for clients with a thorough use of numbers. She’s been referred to as the “spreadsheet girl” — a title she wears with pride. Every day, Rachel works to find solutions to our client’s most pressing questions. How do we make more money? Drive more leads? Close more deals? Each client is unique, and the plans she puts together are, too. They’re built from a thorough understanding of each of our client’s businesses and their unique opportunities for growth.
rachel dicke

What’s your go-to happy hour order?


If I could invent a holiday,

it would definitely involve three hours of deafening silence.

What’s your happiest childhood memory?

My grandpa (Po-po) would pay the rural route mailman to come to the house every Christmas Eve night dressed as Santa and deliver the grandkids’ one big gift. Santa never got our names right (Rachel was Rachelle, Maddy was Mandy etc.), and we never saw Po-po slipping Santa a $50, but we felt so special. No one else got a personal visit from the big man.

If I weren’t so good at my job,

I’d probably be a pilot (which would also require not having a crippling fear of heights).