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Limelight Marketing Team Member John

John Kuefler

Senior Director of Digital Experience, Partner

John started writing code and making websites when he was seven years old. That might seem young, but it’s kind of a family legacy, as is his approach. When he was a young Kuefler, John was helping his dad crop some photos in Photoshop as a summer job. John got a little bored and the work suffered, to which his dad said, “Kueflers don’t do crappy work.” Ever since then, he’s tried really hard to follow that advice and our clients agree — Kueflers don’t do crappy work. 

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci

Prior to joining LimeLight, John worked in the public and private sector before he and Caleb built a successful software development company, DevSquared. LimeLight acquired DevSquared at the beginning of 2021 and John now leads our development team as well as helping to define processes and strategies around creating the best possible websites. For him, there’s a lot of joy in finding out how a website might not “work.” It might be broken technically, it might not serve a clear purpose, it might not work for people. Finding and predicting that “why,” and fixing it, is something that drives him every day.

When he’s not coding or helping clients, you might find John inspiring the next generation of developers by teaching the occasional class at Pittsburg State University or publishing Pluralsight content to help K-12 educators teach students how to code. And if he’s not doing that, he’s likely on some sort of adventure with his wife, three girls, and two dogs.

limelight marketing Team Member John

Quick Facts

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What’s your go-to happy hour order?
An old-fashioned!

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If I could invent a holiday,
it would definitely involve giant LEGO creations.

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What advice would you give someone who wants to join our team?
Balance is important. Work hard, and have a good time, too. Also, tell your co-workers how you feel. Life is too short for us all to not be on the same page.

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If I weren’t so good at my job,
I’d probably be a bartender.