chelsea cox

Chelsea Cox

Chelsea came to LimeLight after earning her Master of Science in Technology with an emphasis in graphic design from Pittsburg State University. Since starting, she says there’s no such thing as a boring day at LimeLight. And speaking of boring, Chelsea is not. But board, if you mean board games, she’s all about that high-rollin’, die-rollin’, Monopoly life. She’ll focus on the positives taking all your rent money!

“Get busy living or get busy dying”

Focus on the positives. That’s what’s in Chelsea’s mind and tattooed on her arm—and she does! Of course, that comes easy when she gets to see Noah and Ridley’s faces each day at her home in Strafford, MO. Who is Noah, you ask? That’s Chelsea’s husband. Who is Ridley? That’s her Akita fur baby, AKA Riddles, Ridward, Sweet Rids, or Princess Ridley.
chelsea cox

In another life:

I’m pretty sure I was a crazy dog lady who lived in the woods.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?

Visit all of the Major League Baseball stadiums!

If I could invent a holiday,

It would definitely involve doing nothing but playing board games all day.

Cats or dogs? Or other?

Dogs! My husband wouldn’t be surprised if he came home one day and we had several additional dogs.